Peer Reviews


Film Peer Reviews

What specific elements of the film opening did you like?

Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific)

What suggestions do you have for changes?

I like the the accent, and the costume because it fits with the time era. It also tells about the characters personalities.



I enjoyed the low lighting that reminded me of a old 1980s investigation documentary. The props and accents added to the time period were also very intriguing. Thus, there where no spots in the film where it seemed like it was "filler." The added background nondiegetic sound was a nice touch and also the edited text at the beginning really brought the whole film opener together.

The ending seemed a bit off to me. It probably isn't meant as the spot you wanted to end at. Overall, the interrogation was well thought out and executed though.

Some suggestions I have for changes would be mainly for the end. Maybe you could end in some cliffhanger about the prime suspect. Or add some sort of element of surprise that leaves the viewer in awe. Besides that the film opener is at a good spot.

The style of the film, it gives off a dark comedic vibe. Also the comedy itself, i liked when the guy said that they couldn't afford a printer or a table.

No i wasn't confused about anything.

The only change i would suggest is the removal of that info about the time location and health because, to me, it looks like it serves no purpose.

I enjoyed the music and camera filter and angles. I immediately knew what movie genre it was within the first few seconds. I also enjoyed the comedic elements weaved throughout the entire opener. Specifically, I like that when the interrogation scene began the audience isn’t allowed to see the suspect, so when the camera finally pans over, the suspect feels important.

Sometimes it was hard to hear over the music so I wasn’t completely sure on the plot. The camera angles felt a little off, for example, they felt too far from the subject. as if hinting that there was something else in scene that garnered attention.

I suggest lowering the music and perhaps altering camera angles!

I liked the dialogue and the accents that are being used to create an ambience of a time period.

I was kind of confused to as of the role of the one in the suit, but it was good.

I liked it overall, but just hint more to as of what the role of the man in the suit does,

I liked that it was in black and white like an old fashioned film and the story was good. Their acting was good as well.

Everything about the video was easy to understand.

The only suggestion I have is to speak a little slower and louder because it was kind of hard to understand them sometimes.

I really liked the black and white, it made it very clear that the setting was older than any other.

What left me confused was the introduction of the interrogated person, we didn't really get too much insight as to who he was.

The only changes I would make are to give a little more background as to who the interrogated person is.

Overall the peer reviews were very helpful. 
They let me know that I need to rerecord certain parts of the film and need to record separate audio so that the things the characters are saying are more clear. I also need to add something like an opening dialogue to help establish who the main character is and why they're dressed like a detective.


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