Film viewing practice essay: Agent Carter (2013)


In the first 5 minutes of the 2013 Marvel One-Shot short film “Agent Carter” directed by Louis D’Esposito many elements of film are used to help keep the audience hooked to the movie and the use of things such as well edited sound, mise-en-scene, and dynamic camera angles help convey a feeling of intrigue in who Peggy is as a character and what her connection to Steve (Captain America) is.

The movie starts with Peggy talking to Steve discussing over radio if there’s enough time for Peggy to scout out a safe sight for Steve to land his what appears to be some sort of aircraft. Steve then tells Peggy that there’s no need for her to go through the effort to save him and that this is Steve’s choice. Throughout this exchange the low lighting helps the audience understand that what is happening is a very serious matter of Peggy about to lose the love of her life. There are also cuts where the camera alternates between Peggy and Steve and at one point where the camera focuses on Steve you can see him place a photo of Peggy on his dashboard, understanding that photo might be the last time he sees Peggy before he takes the aircraft on a path hurdling towards the ground. Peggy then calls out for steve on the radio but does not get a response back. The scene fades to black cementing the idea that Steve is dead.

The clip then cuts to an establishing shot of New York City with the caption “One Year Later.” We then see the inside of an office building with 1960s era technology, people where clothing that was popular at the time, and that the people in the building are working on finding the identity of the Zodiac Killer. The mise en scene in the form of the clothes people are wearing, a dotted map of the Korean peninsula in the background, as well as the references to the Zodiac killer all helps the audience understand that the film likely takes place in America at some time between the 1960s to 1970s during the Cold War.

While in the office the sound of a buzzing siren can be heard and has the attention of everyone in the office. The same siren that was playing as Steve was flying his airplane. The use of the siren in both of those instances helps the audience understand that something important has happened and it demands the attention of everyone in the building. We then see Peggy again in the office helping the audience understand that Peggy works here. Later in the clip she can also be seen holding a framed photo of Steve which can be interpreted as Peggy not being able to come to terms with the loss of her lover a year after his death.

The film ends with a fight scene between Peggy and 2 men outside a small building who she believes has connections with the Zodiac killer. After being told that she is not allowed in the building she begins to fight them and manages to kick one of the men through a window. Another man after seeing what has happened is then caught by Peggy and apprehended. The constant cuts and changes of angles throughout the fight help emphasize how intense it was.

All of these features of the short film together helps keep the audience engaged with the story of Peggy and leaves them rooting for her finding the zodiac killer without a recommended 3-5 agents helping her.


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